가미야 다케오와 인도건축

가미야 다케오 (神谷武夫) 와 인도건축 : 본 사이트는 크게 두 부분으로 구성되어 있습니다. 목차의 왼쪽 적색 항목은 인도건축을 다양한 측면에서 소개하는 페이지이고, 오른쪽의 청색 항목은 건축가 가미야 다케오의 건축설계 활동과 저작활동을 소개하는 페이지입니다. 각각의 영어 타이틀을 클릭하면 해당 페이지로 점프하고, 각각의 페이지에서 “HOME”를 클릭하면 목차로 되돌아옵니다. 각 사이트에서 사용되고 있는 사진은 특별히 언급하지 아니한 경우라면 가미야 다케오가 직접 촬영한 것입니다.

인도건축 입문
Indian Arch.
유네스코 세계유산
인도의 목조건축
제임스 퍼거슨과 인도건축
문화의 번역 (이토 추타의 실패)
가미야 다케오의 출판물
가미야 다케오의 건축작품


The Japanese architectural society has extremely degenerated, being controlled by the construction Mafia of Japan. About half of all building designers in Japan are employed by construction companies as "salaried staff", putting the profits of their companies before the best interests of clients. Furthermore, most Japanese independent architects’ offices have become "joint-stock companies" (designated by Co.Ltd, PLC, or Inc.), which the JIA (Japanese Institute of Architects) has long been promoting ! The CEOs or presidents of these companies should not be called "architects" at all, but "businessmen".
Japanese journalism such as newspapers, other publications including, needless to say, architectural magazines, and broadcasting, are also under considerable control of the construction Mafia that is tightly connected with politicians and bureaucrats through political contributions and parachuting. I have been persecuted for more than 20 years by this Mafia because of my criticism of such corrupt situations in Japan; my books, even in cases in which I wrote only a part, are pevented from being published.
I recommend that foreign students, who want to become architects, should never come to Japan in order to study Architecture in Japanese universities, as they have, fundamentally, only departments of constructional engineering, with "Architecture" in name only, not providing the architectural training courses to bring up students to be genuine architects, but to be employees of construction companies.

저작권 TAKEO KAMIYA 무단전재를 금함
링크는 자유롭게 하십시오.
일문 및 영문 메일은 이쪽으로 하십시오(원저자) kamiya@t.email.ne.jp