West Elevation of the Adinatha Temple, Ranakpur
(drawn by Andrea Marcolongo, Italian architect)

I received an e-mail last spring from an Andrea Marcolongo, Italian restoration architect, stating that he completed a series of elaborate CAD drawings of the Adinatha Temple at Ranakpur, India. He sent me principal drawings with an article on the temple, which I appreciated so that I hoped to introduce them in my web site to Japan and the World.
When I replied to him offering him a space if he wished, on condition that he prepares suitable sized drawings and an English translation of his writings, he was very pleased to do so. But again the Mafia applied pressure on him (they wiretap all my phone calls and e-mails). He has sent me no drawings since then and cut off the communication with me. (I am not surprised, for I am accustomed to these kinds of incidents, which have often occurred.)
Now that I included here only one drawing of his, West Elevation of the Ranakpur Temple, and the space I had prepared for his drawings as the appendix of this site gJaina Architecture in Indiah came to be used as the Introduction to the gKalpa Sutrah miniatures in my possession.

Extracts from Andrea Marcolongo's e-mails

I am Arch. Andrea Marcolongo, Research Fellow at the Institute of Technologies Applied to Cultural Heritage. I am interested in Hindu and Jaina temple architecture and expert in the survey field.
I was surfing the net and came into your web page of the Adinath Temple at Ranakpur. The Temple has been the subject of my degree thesis and I agree with you that it must be the greatest work of Indian architecture.
In 2005 I went to Ranakpur and had a special permission to survey the temple to take measures as in my thesis, I was trying to reconstruct the 3D ideal temple through discovering its inner ratios, units of measure, the philosophical and theological rules, the study of the mandala, through discovering the meaning of symbols and numbers, the astronomical and astrological relations, why 1440? and so on.
It has been a wonderful task and, let me say, beside the scientific task it has been spiritually fascinating. I am looking to continue my studies on Indian temple architecture and I am pleased to present you some of my thesis drawings (I will send you a link from sunspace.com where to download the drawings) and my CV and look forward to meet you, maybe on the path of pilgrimage.

Thank you very much for offering me space for my drawings. I will send you the text in English and the JPEG files of drawings with explanatory words.

I am in Rajastan again for a short trip and a survey campaign. As soon as I come back to Italy the first week of August, I will send you my drawings and a brief text on Ranakpur Temple.